Melissa Ferrari
Documentary & Experimental Animation Filmmaker
Phantasmagoria Magic Lanternist

Relict: A Phantasmagoria (2023)
Two-channel experimental documentary expanded cinema performed with magic lanterns & hand-drawn animation projections.
[magic lantern projection, handmade 65mm film magic lantern slides, digital projection, pre-recorded audio, and fog machine]
Upcoming Performances:
June 13, 2024 | The Art of the Magic Lantern | Lyceum of History & Natural Sciences, Mount Holly, New Jersey | info here
cryptozoology noun
cryp·to·zo·ol·o·gy | \ ˌkrip-tə-zō-ˈä-lə-jē , -zə-ˈwä-\
The study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (such as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence.
Relict: A Phantasmagoria is an experimental documentary performed with antique magic lanterns and hand-drawn animation. Invoking the history of magic lantern phantasmagoria as an exercise in belief and perception, Relict considers the zeitgeist of pseudoscience, fake news, religion, and documentary ethics collapsed within contemporary cryptozoology.
Adapting modern cryptozoological lore such as Bigfoot hunts and the Loch Ness Monster to hand-drawn magic lantern slides, Relict employs the visual language of magic lantern phantasmagoria through slides based on antique designs, including rackwork slides and dissolving views. These pre-cinematic images are infused with the aesthetics of veracity in current nonfiction filmmaking, including CGI speculative animated documentary, thermal imaging, and interventions of rotoscoped documentary re-enactment. Inspired by the magic lantern's historical role as a tool for scientific lectures, Relict wanders through histories of documentary animation used to visualize and legitimize monstrous creatures. The performance is nested in a collage of soundscapes, including interviews with Dr. Brian Regal (Kean University), a leading historian of science on the politics of skepticism in cryptozoology; a recent creationist sermon; and excerpts of pseudoscientific wildlife documentaries.
-- Jessi DiTillio, X-TRA
After the original WIP performances of Relict: A Phantasmagoria (2020) were delayed by the pandemic for a couple of years, Melissa completed fabricating the performance at the Camera Obscura Studio Residency in Santa Monica from Sept 2022-Jan 2023.
Relict: A Phantasmagoria (2023) features approximately 70 new magic lantern slides and premiered at REDCAT in August of 2023.
Dick Balzer Award | UK Magic Lantern Society
Red Cabbage Award | US & Canada Magic Lantern Society Convention
Relict: A Phantasmagoria (2023) Performances:
May 4, 2024 | Bob Baker Marionette Theater (Los Angeles, CA)
April 15, 2024 | The Getty - College Night (Los Angeles, CA)
April 11, 2024 | Exploratorium (San Francisco, CA) | tickets
April 4, 2024 | UnionDocs (New York, NY) | tickets
March 29, 2024 | Ann Arbor Film Festival (Ann Arbor, MI) | tickets
February 2024 | Bob Baker Marionette Theater (Los Angeles, CA)
October 18, 2023 | Philosophical Research Society (Los Angeles, CA)
September 23, 2023 | ArtYard Live Animation Festival (Frenchtown, NJ)
August 24-26 2023 | REDCAT NOW Festival (Los Angeles, CA)
September 14, 2023 | Chicago Underground Film Festival (Chicago, IL)
July 2023 | Larry Spring Museum of Common Sense Physics (Fort Bragg, CA)
Excerpts performed at:
Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles
Automata L.A. | Dissolving Sights: Projection Exhibition
Relict: A Phantasmagoria (2020) Performances
Cosmic Rays Film Festival (Chapel Hill, NC)
Antimatter Media Arts Fesival (Victoria B.C.)
Cucalorus Film Festival (Wilmington, NC)
WIP Performance
San Diego Underground Film Festival (San Diego, CA)
Press: KPBS San Diego Interview

Melissa Ferrari
Magic Lantern Slides
Melissa Ferrari & Benni Quintero
Melissa Ferrari, Jessica Goh, Sammy Lamb
Sound Mix
Craig Smith
65mm Film
Largo by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz.
Performed by Thomas Bloch on glass harmonica.
Courtesy of Naxos of America, Inc.
Brian Regal Ph.D. Historian of Science. Kean University.
“Cryptozoology in the Bible.” Pastor Jason Robinson.
Mountain Baptist Church. West Virginia, October 21, 2018.
Courtesy of
Archival Audio from